Procedure about space for subspeciality in WBOA office

Wednesday 31-Dec-2025

Procedure about space for subspeciality in WBOA office


1.      Request letter must come from the Secretary of respective subspeciality organization in the form of E-mail to WBOA Secretary.

2.      WBOA EC should go through the letter and ratify. The decision taken in the EC will be final and binding. The allotment of space will also be done by WBOA EC

3.      The MOU will be signed in hard copy by President and Secretary of WBOA. Validity period will be of three sixty four days from the day of said signature.


The salient points of the agreement will be as follows:


1.      Subspeciality organizations can use the said space for various academic and official purpose within prescribed WBOA office hours

2.      All academic and social responsibility events of the said subspeciality organizations will  have to be in association / under the aegis of WBOA, using WBOA logo prominently

3.      WBOA will not interfere with their day to day activities, neither WBOA will dictate in any way the scientific content and proceedings.

4.      Office bearers of WBOA will not be bound to take part in these subspeciality organizations activities.

5.      WBOA will not have any financial liability (Profit & Loss from the sub speciality conferences or workshops).

6.      The agreement may be terminated by either party upon (30days of notice period) written notice to the other party.


Dr. A.K. Bera                                                                                   Dr. Rajeev Raman                                           

President,WBOA                                                                                                                     Secretary,WBOA  


Monday 31-Mar-2025

Sl No. Name Whatsapp Number Email Address Institution Membership Number Year of Post Graduation
(MS, DNB, D'Ortho)
1 Malay Kumar Pati 9831042799 Dera superspeciality hospital LM-1002 2019
2 Anirban Sarkar 9614747478 Medical College, Kolkata ALM- 417 MS 2020-2023
Sl No. Name Whatsapp Number Email Address Institution Membership Number Year of Post Graduation
(MS, DNB, D'Ortho)
1 Reet Mukhopadhyay 7087435422 ILS HOSPITAL LM 0816 2018 MS
(PGIMER ,Chandigarh)
2 Aritra Bidyananda 7399497964 Panskura Superspeciality Hospital LM0821 2018
3 Soutrik Mukherjee 9804270742 North Bengal Medical College and Hospital LM888 2020
4 Aditya Kumar 7887077005 AIIMS, Gorakhpur LM1087 2020-2023
Sl No. Name Whatsapp Number Email Address Institution Membership Number Year of Post Graduation
(MS, DNB, D'Ortho)
1 Sourav Mukherjee 8336862779 Nrsmch LM1113 2019
2 Aakash Basu 8920235215 RG Kar Medical College and Hospital, Kolkata LM1140 2020-23


Ganga Spine Fellowship
(Mentor Dr. Rajasekaran)
Sl No. Name Whatsapp Number Email Address Institution Membership Number Year of Post Graduation
(MS, DNB, D'Ortho)
1 Abdul Naim Ostagar 9681520052 Manipal hospitals, JBCH Saltlake LM0590 MS Ortho
2 Sambit Acharya 9903942499 Diamond Harbour Government Medical  LM0826 2018
Ganga Revision Arthroplasty Fellowship
 (Mentor Dr. Dheendayalan)
Sl No. Name Whatsapp Number Email Address Institution Membership Number Year of Post Graduation
(MS, DNB, D'Ortho)
1 Arnab kumar Samanta 9830115963 Burdwan medical college LM0808 2016
2 Md Gulam Sarwar 9007075674 Howrah Orthopaedic Hospital( Eastern Railway 766 2018
3 Reet Mukhopadhyay 7087435422 ILS HOSPITAL LM 0816 2018 MS
(PGIMER ,Chandigarh)
4 Aritra Bidyananda 7399497964 Panskura Superspeciality Hospital LM0821 2018
Unicondylar Knee Arthroplasty Fellowship
(Mentor Dr Karthik Shukla Ahmedabad)
Sl No. Name Whatsapp Number Email Address Institution Membership Number Year of Post Graduation
(MS, DNB, D'Ortho)
1 Soumyadip Sen 9354584732 Apollo Multispeciality Hospitals, Kolkata LM 1048 2021
2 Agniva Ghosh Dastidar 9007041535 Calcutta National Medical College LM 1076 2023
Hand Fellowship
Dr. Abhijit Wahegaonkar (Pune)
Sl No. Name Whatsapp Number Email Address Institution Membership Number Year of Post Graduation
(MS, DNB, D'Ortho)
1 Joydeep Das 8944930861 Sharanya Multispeciality Hospital, Bardhaman. LM 0645 MS Ortho in 2015.
2 Soumendu Nath 9748580408 Apollo Multispeciality Hospital Kolkata LM0965 2020
3 Sk Mizanur Rahaman 9735365033 R G Kar Medical College and Hospital LM1091 2023
Foot & Ankle Fellowship
Dr. S.M. Ajay (Bangalore)
Sl No. Name Whatsapp Number Email Address Institution Membership Number Year of Post Graduation
(MS, DNB, D'Ortho)
1 Supriya Sarkar 9831759024 IPGME&R and SSKM HOSPITAL LM0734 MS- 2016,
DNB -2017
2 Avik Kumar Khanra 7688057130 ESIC MEDICAL COLLEGE AND HOSPITAL JOKA LM0905 2019

WBOA Election Notice 2025-26

Tuesday 31-Dec-2024


Dear Esteemed Members,    
After scrutiny of all the nomination papers by the 
Election Committee the following have been found to be valid
Sl. No. Name LM Number Post
1 Kiran Kumar Mukhopadhyay LM-381 President Elect
Sl. No. Name LM Number Post
1 Dinesh Kumar Jaiswal LM-377 Vice President
Sl. No. Name LM Number Post
1 Sabyasachi Santra LM-550 Hony. Secretary
Sl. No. Name LM Number Post
1 Soumyadip Dutta LM-626 Joint Secretary
Sl. No. Name LM Number Post
1 Ananda Mandal LM-397 Treasurer
Sl. No. Name LM Number Post
1 Abhijit Sen LM-868 Executive Committee Member
2 Anindya Dutt LM-873 Executive Committee Member
3 Arnab Karmakar LM-585 Executive Committee Member
4 Chinmay Nath LM-314 Executive Committee Member
5 Debayan Sinharoy LM-903 Executive Committee Member
6 Mainak Chandra LM-586 Executive Committee Member
7 Nabarun Saha LM-635 Executive Committee Member
8 Prasun Mandal LM-534 Executive Committee Member
9 Ranjit Shaw LM-488 Executive Committee Member
10 Sunit Hazra LM-564 Executive Committee Member
11 Sunny Kumar Mallick LM-761 Executive Committee Member
12 Utpal Bandyopadhyay LM-637 Executive Committee Member
Dr. Gaur Gautam Kar    
Election Officer 2024    
President Elect, WBOA    


Monday 23-Dec-2024

Anyone willing to organize ICL 2025, MIDCON 2025 & WBOACON 2026 please inform WBOA ( within 7days.

Please go through the guideline attached herewith for organizing conferences.

WBOA Guideline Regarding Finance Transaction

For WBOA –CME, Workshop, Conference & Other Program


1. All Donation / Subscription / Grants (Cash/Cheque/Draft/Online/NEFT) for Registration & Sponsorship should be deposited in “WBOA CME WORKSHOP CONFERENCE” A/c.

2. All Donation / Subscription / Grants should be done through respective collection book or against money receipt book of WBOA.

3. All expenditure should be done from Expenditure A/c for respective CME, Workshop, Conference and Other Program.

4. For WBOACON Rupees Five Lakh only should give as an Advance / Loan from WBOA Loan A/c.

For MIDCON Rupees Three Lakh only should give as an Advance / Loan from WBOA Loan A/c.

5.  If any payment (Cheque/NEFT/Online) done outside our WBOA Office that should be informed our office immediately through mail for account purpose.

6. All Registration details (Delegate & Trade) should be submitted to WBOA Office immediately by the organizing committee.

7. Collection of Money in WBOA Income A/c transferred to respective Expenditure A/c time to time as per requirement.

8. All Expenditure Documents, including Bills, Vouchers and Bank a/c Details should be submitted to WBOA office within 60 days after completion of program for Audit Purpose.

9. All Bank Account should be opened by WBOA Office only.

10. Only WBOA PAN Card is used for WBOA Program.


Sunday 05-May-2024

(To be submitted by the Life Members of IOA on weblink between 5th April 202412 Noon to 5th May 2024-11:59 PM)
The Hon'ble Delhi High Court has appointed the undersigned as an Administrator of IOA for verification/ preparation of the voters list and for drawing up a schedule of elections of IOA.
All the members of IOA are requested to submit their declaration giving complete particulars.
The Life members who submit the declaration by the stipulated date and whose name is verified by the Agency shall only be entitled to contest and cast their vote in the forthcoming elections.
Justice J.R. Midha (Retd.)
Administrator appointed by Hon'ble Delhi High Court

WBOA EC 2024-25

Monday 01-Apr-2024

No description found.

WBOA Election Notice 2024-25

Monday 25-Dec-2023

Dear esteemed life members WBOA,

I am pleased to announce the schedule and procedure of the upcoming election of WBOA 2023-24 for the year 2024-25.

1. Only Life Members are eligible to vote.
2. The voting process will be ONLINE.
3. Interested members are requested to correctly fill up the nomination forms available in the WBOA OFFICE/ WEBSITE and submit the same in a sealed, undamaged envelope in a locked box kept therein on or before 15/11/2023 in person or by an authorised representative.

Filing of nomination starts from 03/10/2023 and will continue on all working days during office hours till 15/11/2023.

4. Scrutiny of the nomination papers will be done on 18/11/2023 and the list of valid candidates will be displayed in the WBOA office notice board.

5. Last date of withdrawal of candidature is 30/11/2023. Final list will be displayed thereafter

6. Online voting would continue from 10.00am 18/12/2023 to 25/12/2023 midnight

7. Details of online voting process will be shared in due course.

The following posts are open for election:

1. President Elect One(1) .
2. Vice President One (1)
3. Joint Secretary One(1)
4. Editor One(1)
5. Executive Committee members Ten (10)

Please note:
1. A member can apply for ONE POST only & only one nomination form will be accepted per candidate.
2. A member can propose or second for not more than THREE CANDIDATES only.
3. Incomplete and illegible nomination forms will be cancelled.
4. Damaged, tampered and torn envelopes/ nomination forms will be cancelled.
5. No correction will be allowed after submission of nomination form

For any clarification or queries you are free to communicate with the Election officer.

Mobile: 7908551967

Thanks & Regards,


Dr. Amiya Kumar Bera

President Elect. & Election Officer(2023-24)

West Bengal Orthopaedic Association


Saturday 24-Sep-2022

Dear esteemed life members WBOA,


I am pleased to announce the schedule and procedure of the upcoming election of WBOA 2022-23 for the year 2023-24.


1. Only life members are eligible to vote. 

2. The voting process will be ONLINE. 

3. Interested members are requested to correctly fill up the nomination forms available in the WBOA OFFICE/ WEBSITE and submit the same in a sealed, undamaged envelope in a locked box kept therein on or before 15/11/2022 in person or by an authorised representative.

Filing of nomination starts from 26/09/2022 and will continue on all working days during office hours till 15/11/2022.

4. Scrutiny of the nomination papers will be done on 21/11/2022 and the list of valid candidates will be displayed in the WBOA office notice board. 

5. Last date of withdrawal of candidature is 30/11/2022. Final list will be displayed thereafter 

6. Online voting would continue from 10.00am 10/12/2022 to 20/12/2022 midnight 

7. Details of online voting process will be shared in due course.


The following posts are open for election 

1. President Elect One(1) .

2. Vice President One (1)

3. Joint Secretary One(1)

4. Executive Committee members Ten (10)


Please note:

1. A member can apply for ONE POST only & only one nomination form will be accepted per candidate.

2. A member can propose or second for not more than THREE CANDIDATES only.

3. Incomplete and illegible nomination forms will be cancelled.

4. Damaged, tampered and torn envelopes/ nomination forms will be cancelled.

5. No correction will be allowed after submission of nomination form


For any clarification or queries you are free to communicate with the Election officer.


Mobile: 9830106404 / 9433133104


Thank you.



Dr. Debapi Roy

Election officer

President Elect WBOA


International Journal Of Orthopaedic Surgery

Saturday 01-Jan-2022 

 Dear Members,

 With great pleasure I would like to inform you that the 2nd Issue (July – December Issue) of 2021  has already been published (Online & Print version). In this issue, we have 10 articles (Editorial – 1, Original Articles – 4, Case Reports – 3, Reflexion – 1 and Profile – 1).  I thank the Authors who contributed for this Issue of Journal. I also thank the Editorial Board members, EC Members and all our Members for support.

 You must be remembering that the First Issue (January – June, 2021) was published in scheduled time and was released by Prof. D.P. Baksi (The Chief Patron of our Journal) during Inaugural Function of WBOACON – 2021. It was a glorious moment for all of us.

 As informed earlier, this Journal is continuation of Official Journal of WBOA in the name of International Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery. It is semi-annual Journal,  available in both versions (Online & Print). The website of the Journal is and the Article submission site is with new platform / dashboard.


We have already got the ISSN Number for Online version (Online ISSN:2772-915X) and now working hard for ISSN Number for print version which is expected to be received in 1st week of January. We are also in a process for indexation of the Journal in DOAJ (recognized by NMC / MCI) and expected to get it done in coming days.

 Now, the next Issue will be an Special issue on “Trochanteric Fracture” and expecting in March 2021. The Editorial Board is requesting each one of you to please contribute for this Special Issue by submitting articles (Original article, Review article, Case reports). Looking forward for support from all corners (Respected Seniors, Friends & My Dear Juniors).

 At the end I assure you that Editorial Board of the Journal together with EC of WBOA will work hard and left no stone unturned to make this Journal Indexed. 


Thank You,
 Long live WBOA Journal, Long live WBOA.


Dr. Sanjay Keshkar 


International Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery 


Monday 29-Nov-2021

Dear esteemed members/WBOA,

I am pleased to inform you about the schedule of upcoming election of WBOA 2021-22 , to elect office bearers . The salient points are noted below:

1) Election process shall be mainly online process (e-voting) for all members upto 70 years of age.

2) Members beyond 70 years of age shall be given an option to intimate WBOA via e-mail ( ,or, Dr Chandan Pathak ( or by sms @(9831081323) latest by 15/11/2021.

3) It has been noticed that quite a number of members have not updated their official details like mailing address , e-mail ID, mobile phone number at WBOA office . They are requested to do it as early as possible . Last date for updating the same is 10/12/2021  .

4) Ballot papers for limited number of members (aged beyond 70 years and voluntarily opting for ballot paper voting only) shall be despatched from 7/12/2021.

5) Online voting shall be operational between 15/1/2021 to 30/1/2021. Voting link and details of voting procedure shall be sent to individual member's mobile number and e-mail ID.

6) Any query regarding voting can be mailed to election officer or by sms to 9831081323.

7) This is the first time in the history of WBOA , On line voting is going to be introduced. I need co-operation from all respected members.

The following posts are open for election procedure in 2021-22 -

1) PRESIDENT ELECT - 1 no                                             







Interested members willing to tender their nominations for the above mentioned posts are requested to fill up the form at WBOA Office , for filing nomination, latest by 15/11/2021 (Wednesday) . Last date of withdrawal of Nomination is 30/11/2021



Thanking all




Mail           Mobile 9831081323